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Aċċetta Custom Super Soft U Komdu Weraq Pajsaġġ Jacquard innittjat Throw Blanket Għal Dekorazzjoni tad-Dar U Sufan XGE

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product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-54
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-55
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product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-56
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-57
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-58
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-59
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-60
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-61
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-62
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-63
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-64
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-65
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-66
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-67
Isem tal-Prodott
Kunsinna ta 'żmien
3-20 ijiem (skond il-kwantità)
1pc/polybag, pcs adattati f'kartuna waħda
appoġġ id-daqs tad-dwana, kulur, logo u pakkett
Standard OEKO-Tex 100%, BSCI, CE
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-68
Profil tal-Kumpanija
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-69
Għaliex Agħżel Us
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-70
product accept custom super soft and comfortable leaf landscape jacquard knitted throw blanket for home decoration and sofa xge-71
Q1: Prezz u Skont
1.Għandna fabbrika stess sabiex inkunu nistgħu noffrulek il-prezz kompetittiv u twassil aktar mgħaġġel int. Merħba biex iżżur il-fabbrika tagħna.
2. L-iskont huwa sal-kwantità tal-ordni tiegħek. Il-kwantità tal-ordni hija akbar, jista 'jkollok skont akbar. Fuq il
kuntrarju, ordni żgħira se jkollha prezz ogħla.

Q2: Kwalità
1. Il-fabbrika tagħna għandha għaxar snin esperjenzi fl-industrija tat-tessuti. U l-ħaddiema kollha tagħna huma esperjenzi ta '10-20 sena fl-industrija tat-tessuti.
2. Aħna niċċekkjaw il-finitura tipproduċi waħda waħda. kun żgur li l-kwalità hija tajba.
3. Jekk tirċievi l-oġġetti ta 'kwalità ħażina. Għidilna l-kwantità tal-prodotti ħżiena, tibgħatilna r-ritratti, aħna nirrimborsaw 2-10 darbiet l-ispiża jew nirreġgħu l-oġġetti għalik.

Q3: 2-5 ijiem tax-xogħol
1.10-15-il ġurnata għall-kampjun ta 'approvazzjoni.
2.Jekk jogħġbok ibgħat email għall-ħlas tal-kampjun. Jekk inti klijenti regolari, inti mhux se tħallas għall-kampjun, jeħtieġ biss li tħallas l-
merkanzija. 3.Jekk għandek kont espress internazzjonali, tista 'tagħżel il-ġbir tal-merkanzija. Jekk le, tista 'tħallas il-merkanzija flimkien
mal-ħlas tal-kampjun.

Q4: 7-20 ijiem tax-xogħol
1.20-30 jum skond il-kwantità tiegħek.
2.Għal ordni urġenti, jekk jogħġbok ibgħat email biex tinnegozja.

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